James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

Lets Work On The Important Issues -- Accept my and the UN Pardymn shift of accessibility to use email in my mental health counseling. Tweet to @FBI
4 messages

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 11:45 AM
To: "Stephen @Realuphuman @Gruwup Graves Therapist San Bernardino County Phoenix Community Counseling" <sgraves@wp.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: "Jim #Kramobone-The.Good @Gruwup Whitescarver" <jimscarver@gmail.com>, enable@un.org

CC: Jim Whitescaver of FreeTrust.Org, Wikiworld.com, Wikismiles, to name a few of his accomplishments. 

This is a tweet record that has @FBI tagged to the tweet chain thread in reference to the school shooting memeplex happening across the United States of America since Columbine.

I hate to say it once again, if you do not pay attention to me another school shooting is going to happen.  Last time I said this, I omitted purposefully the statement, not by my hand but by the hands of others following a memetic disturbing and destructive culture meme.  For this tweet chain is important matters on record to discuss with community leadership involvement, but I am stuck at having to to manually send my emails to a non-working address, file the email on record on my domain site, and then physically take the extra wasted time to verbally read my emails into session of 50 minutes time slot per week because my therapist will not accept email from clients a standard that is contrary to the goals of the United Nations Enable For Rights of Persons With Disabilities, Enable Page: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/convinfoguide.htm

This email to be filed:

Binded: [ http://stephen-graves.webdomains.gruwup.net/sbcounty.gov/wp.sbcounty.gov/Steven%20Graves%20-%20Phoenix%20Community%20Counseling/%23E-Mail/ ]

Trust-Binding Initiated Manually, link to this valid binding contact url:


The reference tweet chain thread are read as follows --- Spoken Voice Narrative of this email will be filed and made available on site.  When I no longer have to deal with physically verbally reading my first draft copy source preference email choice of word creations into the universe. This as an educational resource since Site Advisor classifies h t t p colon / / g r u w u p dot n e t pronounced as Grew Up dot net as SAFE to BROWSE under the category of EDUCATION / REFERENCE

The URL serving this image to you is a manually coded binded URL to Stephen Graves of the Phoenix Community Counseling Center of the San Bernardino County Behaviorial Health Department.

That is because I have enabled digital url processing of bindings available to anyone right now as we speak for

and {anyname}.gruwup.net -
it works!

This is binding technology adaptation of new information theory science that I should be able to bring forward into working model GUI interface outside of the manually coding. If my standard of technology with digital processing involvements were to become a standard across the entire internet, any content can be binded to a particular person's ID or other various linking chains. It is just an multi-domain Tagging across the entire internet.  

There was a paper I read  a while back that is similar to this multi-domain tagging as it relates to just memes.   Mine is an identity assignment meme to this standard and works manually coded without a digitally processing environment but no want wants to be honest, truly real up human honest within their lives to become free trust.   There are too many skeletons in your all closets.   Well that ain't my fault.

Binded Content is content that cannot be ignored because of a failure to communicate.  Should work across all kinds of situations and purposes.   In order to use this technology, real world names or real world email addresses must be established.   So I am barred from using my technology adaptation because of a outdated mode of thinking that bars my equal opportunity use of email into my therapy and it is wrong.  The reason for continuing this status quo standard at phoenix had MUST BE FOR A UNKNOWING HIDDEN AGENDA TO HOLD NON-BINDING TRUTHS FROM APPEARING INTO SESSIONS WITH CLIENTS SO THE MATTER OF RECORDS CAN BE ALTERED OR SHIFTED TO REFLECT THEIR POSITION WHEN INVOLVED IN COMPLAINT OR DISPUTE THE CLIENT NEVER CAN WIN SUCH A CASE OF CONTENTION.   My technology adaptation legally acceptable and digitally society processing and search engine surface web enabled..  There is no opt out option involved in this usage. 



If you do not take the approach of counter-punching the memeplex of these school shooting with media messages from the government to the truth of all things, including drug use, such as this video [ ] --- the trust in community and society ...

continued... trust in society to do the right things as far as truth is concerned is what is driving this very destructive - even self harming host memeplex of cirsumstances -- but you won't release the community to return trust. you must counter-punch this meme I see nothing ..

  • continued.... I see nothing of the right messages directed into community but even worse... the term coward being thrown out there to challenge one more of these persons attaching to this meme to be even more drastic when the next shooting will occur. It is not rocket science ...

  • continued.... it is not rocket science but as a Wiccan here, is it the science of magick or the science of memetics [🔮] that is an emoji for fortune telling. That is what the old olds understood what magick is. A science understood and a science lost of that understanding ....

  • continued... If the world did not lose that understanding, we would be in a world of peace rather than a world inset with war. But don't believe me... You must apply some wisdom words of wellness across the collective community trust quotient lost. Or society is ripping apart.

  • Continued.... In Another words, some spell casting in the media of the truth to the real world out here reflects the real world in there of government..... but as you have the ability to know this is filed .net :

  • Continued.... Read From Top re reference of TheGoodLife as it relates to these school shootings. It is not rocket science but the applied recombinant memetics sciences that is going to stop this school shooting memeplex.....

    Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 11:49 AM
    To: "Stephen @Realuphuman @Gruwup Graves Therapist San Bernardino County Phoenix Community Counseling" <sgraves@wp.sbcounty.gov>

    To see this image link to:

    [IMG] SiteAdvisor[gruwup.net]3.jpg                       19-Nov-2017 04:42  143K  

    [Quoted text hidden]

    Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 11:51 AM
    To: "Stephen @Realuphuman @Gruwup Graves Therapist San Bernardino County Phoenix Community Counseling" <sgraves@wp.sbcounty.gov>

    On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 11:49 AM, Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> wrote:

    To see this image link to:

    [IMG] SiteAdvisor[gruwup.net]3.jpg                       19-Nov-2017 04:42  143K  

    On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 11:45 AM, Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> wrote:

    CC: Jim Whitescaver of FreeTrust.Org, Wikiworld.com, Wikismiles, to name a few of his accomplishments. 

    This is a tweet record that has @FBI tagged to the tweet chain thread in reference to the school shooting memeplex happening across the United States of America since Columbine.

    I hate to say it once again, if you do not pay attention to me another school shooting is going to happen.  Last time I said this, I omitted purposefully the statement, not by my hand but by the hands of others following a memetic disturbing and destructive culture meme.  For this tweet chain is important matters on record to discuss with community leadership involvement, but I am stuck at having to to manually send my emails to a non-working address, file the email on record on my domain site, and then physically take the extra wasted time to verbally read my emails into session of 50 minutes time slot per week because my therapist will not accept email from clients a standard that is contrary to the goals of the United Nations Enable For Rights of Persons With Disabilities, Enable Page: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/convinfoguide.htm

    This email to be filed:

    Binded: [ http://stephen-graves.webdomains.gruwup.net/sbcounty.gov/wp.sbcounty.gov/Steven%20Graves%20-%20Phoenix%20Community%20Counseling/%23E-Mail/ ]

    Trust-Binding Initiated Manually, link to this valid binding contact url:


    The reference tweet chain thread are read as follows --- Spoken Voice Narrative of this email will be filed and made available on site.  When I no longer have to deal with physically verbally reading my first draft copy source preference email choice of word creations into the universe. This as an educational resource since Site Advisor classifies h t t p colon / / g r u w u p dot n e t pronounced as Grew Up dot net as SAFE to BROWSE under the category of EDUCATION / REFERENCE

    The URL serving this image to you is a manually coded binded URL to Stephen Graves of the Phoenix Community Counseling Center of the San Bernardino County Behaviorial Health Department.

    That is because I have enabled digital url processing of bindings available to anyone right now as we speak for

    and {anyname}.gruwup.net -
    it works!

    This is binding technology adaptation of new information theory science that I should be able to bring forward into working model GUI interface outside of the manually coding. If my standard of technology with digital processing involvements were to become a standard across the entire internet, any content can be binded to a particular person's ID or other various linking chains. It is just an multi-domain Tagging across the entire internet.  

    There was a paper I read  a while back that is similar to this multi-domain tagging as it relates to just memes.   Mine is an identity assignment meme to this standard and works manually coded without a digitally processing environment but no want wants to be honest, truly real up human honest within their lives to become free trust.   There are too many skeletons in your all closets.   Well that ain't my fault.

    Binded Content is content that cannot be ignored because of a failure to communicate.  Should work across all kinds of situations and purposes.   In order to use this technology, real world names or real world email addresses must be established.   So I am barred from using my technology adaptation because of a outdated mode of thinking that bars my equal opportunity use of email into my therapy and it is wrong.  The reason for continuing this status quo standard at phoenix had MUST BE FOR A UNKNOWING HIDDEN AGENDA TO HOLD NON-BINDING TRUTHS FROM APPEARING INTO SESSIONS WITH CLIENTS SO THE MATTER OF RECORDS CAN BE ALTERED OR SHIFTED TO REFLECT THEIR POSITION WHEN INVOLVED IN COMPLAINT OR DISPUTE THE CLIENT NEVER CAN WIN SUCH A CASE OF CONTENTION.   My technology adaptation legally acceptable and digitally society processing and search engine surface web enabled..  There is no opt out option involved in this usage. 



    If you do not take the approach of counter-punching the memeplex of these school shooting with media messages from the government to the truth of all things, including drug use, such as this video [ ] --- the trust in community and society ...

    continued... trust in society to do the right things as far as truth is concerned is what is driving this very destructive - even self harming host memeplex of cirsumstances -- but you won't release the community to return trust. you must counter-punch this meme I see nothing ..

  • continued.... I see nothing of the right messages directed into community but even worse... the term coward being thrown out there to challenge one more of these persons attaching to this meme to be even more drastic when the next shooting will occur. It is not rocket science ...

  • continued.... it is not rocket science but as a Wiccan here, is it the science of magick or the science of memetics [🔮] that is an emoji for fortune telling. That is what the old olds understood what magick is. A science understood and a science lost of that understanding ....

  • continued... If the world did not lose that understanding, we would be in a world of peace rather than a world inset with war. But don't believe me... You must apply some wisdom words of wellness across the collective community trust quotient lost. Or society is ripping apart.

  • Continued.... In Another words, some spell casting in the media of the truth to the real world out here reflects the real world in there of government..... but as you have the ability to know this is filed .net :

  • Continued.... Read From Top re reference of TheGoodLife as it relates to these school shootings. It is not rocket science but the applied recombinant memetics sciences that is going to stop this school shooting memeplex.....

    Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 11:53 AM
    To: "Stephen @Realuphuman @Gruwup Graves Therapist San Bernardino County Phoenix Community Counseling" <sgraves@wp.sbcounty.gov>

    On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 11:51 AM, Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 11:49 AM, Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> wrote:

    To see this image link to:

    [IMG] SiteAdvisor[gruwup.net]3.jpg                       19-Nov-2017 04:42  143K  

    On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 11:45 AM, Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> wrote:

    CC: Jim Whitescaver of FreeTrust.Org, Wikiworld.com, Wikismiles, to name a few of his accomplishments. 

    This is a tweet record that has @FBI tagged to the tweet chain thread in reference to the school shooting memeplex happening across the United States of America since Columbine.

    I hate to say it once again, if you do not pay attention to me another school shooting is going to happen.  Last time I said this, I omitted purposefully the statement, not by my hand but by the hands of others following a memetic disturbing and destructive culture meme.  For this tweet chain is important matters on record to discuss with community leadership involvement, but I am stuck at having to to manually send my emails to a non-working address, file the email on record on my domain site, and then physically take the extra wasted time to verbally read my emails into session of 50 minutes time slot per week because my therapist will not accept email from clients a standard that is contrary to the goals of the United Nations Enable For Rights of Persons With Disabilities, Enable Page: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/convinfoguide.htm

    This email to be filed:

    Binded: [ http://stephen-graves.webdomains.gruwup.net/sbcounty.gov/wp.sbcounty.gov/Steven%20Graves%20-%20Phoenix%20Community%20Counseling/%23E-Mail/ ]

    Trust-Binding Initiated Manually, link to this valid binding contact url:


    The reference tweet chain thread are read as follows --- Spoken Voice Narrative of this email will be filed and made available on site.  When I no longer have to deal with physically verbally reading my first draft copy source preference email choice of word creations into the universe. This as an educational resource since Site Advisor classifies h t t p colon / / g r u w u p dot n e t pronounced as Grew Up dot net as SAFE to BROWSE under the category of EDUCATION / REFERENCE

    The URL serving this image to you is a manually coded binded URL to Stephen Graves of the Phoenix Community Counseling Center of the San Bernardino County Behaviorial Health Department.

    That is because I have enabled digital url processing of bindings available to anyone right now as we speak for

    and {anyname}.gruwup.net -
    it works!

    This is binding technology adaptation of new information theory science that I should be able to bring forward into working model GUI interface outside of the manually coding. If my standard of technology with digital processing involvements were to become a standard across the entire internet, any content can be binded to a particular person's ID or other various linking chains. It is just an multi-domain Tagging across the entire internet.  

    There was a paper I read  a while back that is similar to this multi-domain tagging as it relates to just memes.   Mine is an identity assignment meme to this standard and works manually coded without a digitally processing environment but no want wants to be honest, truly real up human honest within their lives to become free trust.   There are too many skeletons in your all closets.   Well that ain't my fault.

    Binded Content is content that cannot be ignored because of a failure to communicate.  Should work across all kinds of situations and purposes.   In order to use this technology, real world names or real world email addresses must be established.   So I am barred from using my technology adaptation because of a outdated mode of thinking that bars my equal opportunity use of email into my therapy and it is wrong.  The reason for continuing this status quo standard at phoenix had MUST BE FOR A UNKNOWING HIDDEN AGENDA TO HOLD NON-BINDING TRUTHS FROM APPEARING INTO SESSIONS WITH CLIENTS SO THE MATTER OF RECORDS CAN BE ALTERED OR SHIFTED TO REFLECT THEIR POSITION WHEN INVOLVED IN COMPLAINT OR DISPUTE THE CLIENT NEVER CAN WIN SUCH A CASE OF CONTENTION.   My technology adaptation legally acceptable and digitally society processing and search engine surface web enabled..  There is no opt out option involved in this usage. 



    If you do not take the approach of counter-punching the memeplex of these school shooting with media messages from the government to the truth of all things, including drug use, such as this video [ ] --- the trust in community and society ...

    continued... trust in society to do the right things as far as truth is concerned is what is driving this very destructive - even self harming host memeplex of cirsumstances -- but you won't release the community to return trust. you must counter-punch this meme I see nothing ..

  • continued.... I see nothing of the right messages directed into community but even worse... the term coward being thrown out there to challenge one more of these persons attaching to this meme to be even more drastic when the next shooting will occur. It is not rocket science ...

  • continued.... it is not rocket science but as a Wiccan here, is it the science of magick or the science of memetics [🔮] that is an emoji for fortune telling. That is what the old olds understood what magick is. A science understood and a science lost of that understanding ....

  • continued... If the world did not lose that understanding, we would be in a world of peace rather than a world inset with war. But don't believe me... You must apply some wisdom words of wellness across the collective community trust quotient lost. Or society is ripping apart.

  • Continued.... In Another words, some spell casting in the media of the truth to the real world out here reflects the real world in there of government..... but as you have the ability to know this is filed .net :

  • Continued.... Read From Top re reference of TheGoodLife as it relates to these school shootings. It is not rocket science but the applied recombinant memetics sciences that is going to stop this school shooting memeplex.....