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What you want to do with this conclusive writing. it does not contain the addendum portion that I also know it apart of this address. Both these inclusively are in the subject matters of ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS IN THIS COMMUNITY. that was also sent to you directly into email. This is ONLINE in TEXT FORM here : I have an outside local area audience for whatever effect of knowing what is right and wrong that maybe --- I hope someone is listening here --- I am not hiding away the truth. What I write here is delivered back to this space @Realuphuman -- I am more aware of the issues that you really take me credit for. That my dearest neighbor in this community and building manager is our breakage of something I am not even clear of exactly. But I know I must carry on correctly applying the effective work. I have never yelled at you the way you have yelled at me once. My space of empowerment is my writing.

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James Driskill Note -- To all -- and Darrell specifically -- there is a comment box here for a reason -- if you like to add your opinions and voice. I welcome such comments. Something upon the priority of issues demands a priority of forced words into ones points of view because these are serous as they are -- matters of community concern I hold. Thank you.
James Driskill
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