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Online Speech Bank

Database of and index to 5000+ full text, audio and video versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events, and a declaration or two.

See also a special issue: The Rhetoric of 9-11

Site Book/CDs! Speech of the Week

Mary Fisher

"A Whisper of AIDS"

Rhetorical Figures in Sound

200+ short audio and video clips illustrating stylistic figures of speech ranging from alliteration to synecdoche. Clips are taken from speeches, movies, sermons, and sensational media events and delivered by politicians, actors, preachers, athletes, and other notable personalities.



Top 100 Speeches

Full text, audio, and video  database of the 100 most significant American political speeches of the 20th century, according to 137 leading scholars of American public address, as compiled by Stephen E. Lucas (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Martin J. Medhurst (Baylor University). Find out who made the cut and experience the power of rhetorical eloquence in this provocative list of "who's who" in American public address.

Movie Speeches

Full text, audio and video database of some 210  Hollywood movie speeches.

Included are military movie speeches, sports-oriented movie speeches, forensic movie speeches, and social-political movie speeches, among others.

The Religious Communication Association is an academic society founded in 1973 by people interested in the study of all aspects of public religious communication. As an interfaith scholarly and professional organization, RCA seeks to promote honest, respectful and profound dialogue which reflects the diversity of religious beliefs, subject matter concerns, m---odologies, and professions of its members. Resources in the RCA site area are for members and non-members alike.

? Copyright 2001-2013.
American Rhetoric
Michael E. Eidenmuller
All rights reserved.