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A Notice To Students Of a School --- This is real--- Where recombinant memetics is placed into REAL TERMINOLOGY OF FIELDS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY -- this is real I tell you --- you can't remain ignorant to these truths.


Martin J. Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

7:03 PM (8 minutes ago)
to Cinamon

My Dear Students, we made it to 2015!

by Adenike

It has been a great 2014. Getting to know you guys have inspired me and reaffirmed my commitment of being an effective teacher. As we begin year 2015:

Never stop learning. School only teaches you how to learn, not what to learn. Learning should be limitless. Do not wait until you are given a homework, test or exam before you learn. You can learn new things like photography, web design, production of alternative sources of energy (biogas, biofuel etc.) among others. You can be curious about emerging fields like astrobiology, recombinant memetics, exo-meteorology, nutrigenomics, cliodynamics, synthetic biology, computational social science and neuroparasitology.

Surround yourself with people smarter than you. This way you won’t be too comfortable or be a local champion; rather it will challenge you to do more.

Do not be afraid to start a business at a very young age. It can be something as simple as selling pure water. It will teach you about managing conflicts and all the lessons you will need with handling life.

Travel as much as you can and meet new people. You will be more exposed and see life differently.  Mark Twain once said “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”

Dreams do come true. Ideas rule the world. Keep thinking and doing. Who knows, you might be the next rated inventor.

Do not be afraid to fail. When you fall, dust yourself off and keep moving.

Invest in yourself. Take classes in things that interest you, buy books/journals, and join clubs.

There are only 24 hours in day. Use it wisely.

Networking with people from diverse backgrounds can change your life for the better. We are only separated by six degrees (6.6 degrees to be exact). That simply means we are just six (6) introductions away from any other person on the planet.

Learn to say “Thank You”. These two words are more powerful than you could imagine, plus it is free! The best things in life are free.

Do not judge people. Respect others. To thy own self, be true. In the words of Rick Warren: “Our culture has accepted two huge lies: The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate”.

No one is going to hand you success. You must go out and get it yourself. That’s why you are here. Breathe with a purpose. We all have a purpose. Do not settle until you find yours.

True happiness comes from within and you are not truly successful if happiness has been compromised in the process.

I cannot stress enough how important you all are to me. Thank you for being part of my 2014.

In 2015, I hope to continue to share my gifts with the world, foster positive change in my own backyard and above all, be happy.

How about you? Leave comments below!

Ridwan and Miss Akinsemolu

Ridwan and Miss Akinsemolu


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On Behalf of the Real Science of Recombinant Memetics, a project is underway with these conceptual foundation constructs embedded into the presentations of information theory.

@Gruwup 2016
Great Reasons Us [ You There, I Here, and All Interested Listening/Reading Audience Worldwide ]
Will Unite Peace
A 37 Minute Spoken Voice Audio Presentation of a LinkedIn Public Community Post
@Gruwup #Community #Peacebuilding : Binding Knot of Reconciliation called Mpatapo from African Adinkra Symbolism Wisdom is missing in our modern world of information technologies. See Notes Regarding Allowing Pop-Up Window for Separate Mp3 Audio. There is No spam here at this site.

A 6 Minutes and 19Second Spoken Voice Audio Presentation.
Now I see why -- peace building in this country is so missing -- the Mpatapo Consult needs to be an empowerment that we as individuals one to one can rebuild our reconciliations of trust in our communities for us to be able to trust ourselves from going damn out insane. Our United States Department of Conciliation is standing shameful to only be the option here in the USA -- and I have the technology theory Recombinant Memetics solution sound of foundation intelligent design work theory presence - manually technically applied WORKS!


Transcript of REAL SCIENCES
Exo-meteorology: is offering remarkable insights into the conditions found on some of the more extreme planets in the galaxy
Nutrigenomics: study of the interaction of nutrition and genes, especially with regard to the prevention or treatment of disease.
Synthetic biology: an interdisciplinary branch of biology, combining disciplines such as biotechnology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, systems biology and biophysics, and is in many ways related to genetic engineering.
Cognitive economics looks at what is actually going on within the individual's mind when they make that choice. What the internal structure of their decision-making, what the influences on it, how information enter the mind and how is it processed, what form do preferences take internally, and then ultimately how are all those processes expressed in our behavior.
Recombinant memetics: the study of how memes (ideas that spread from person to person) can be adjusted and merged with other memes and memeplexes (a cohesive collection of memes, like a religion) for beneficial or ‘socially therapeutic' purposes (such as combating the spread of radical and violent ideologies). This is similar to the idea of 'memetic engineering'


#BlackLivesMatter / #AllLivesMatter -- I give a voice cause to this under a recombinant memetic information theory presentation. Thank you for linking to my community peace building messages. @Gruwup 2016

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Ma, it's been a great honour working with u in 2014. We appreciate your hard work, commitment, love, care, and many things that you taught us apart from school work. We learnt how to relate with others during our Going Green Campaign, you encouraged us during our presentations, you made us realized that we can do anything. Thank you so much ma! I wish you Merry Christmas in arrears and Happy New Year in advance. I love you ma. God bless you! Yemisi Raji

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It has always been a pleasure attending you classes, working with you and the way you relate with us. I Ayoola Ahmed appreciates you on behalf of the whole GoGreen team and I also pray the relationship we keep won't be dented as we merry into a new year.

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My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

Martin J. Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

7:06 PM (5 minutes ago)
to Martin.J.Drisk., Cinamon

In consideration of this quotation, where are you the smarter ones as this page recommends to students?

Surround yourself with people smarter than you.
This way you won’t be too comfortable or be a local champion;
rather it will challenge you to do more.

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

My Dear Students, we made it to 2015!

by Adenike

It has been a great 2014. Getting to know you guys have inspired me and reaffirmed my commitment of being an effective teacher. As we begin year 2015:

Never stop learning. School only teaches you how to learn, not what to learn. Learning should be limitless. Do not wait until you are given a homework, test or exam before you learn. You can learn new things like photography, web design, production of alternative sources of energy (biogas, biofuel etc.) among others. You can be curious about emerging fields like astrobiology, recombinant memetics, exo-meteorology, nutrigenomics, cliodynamics, synthetic biology, computational social science and neuroparasitology.

Surround yourself with people smarter than you. This way you won’t be too comfortable or be a local champion; rather it will challenge you to do more.

Do not be afraid to start a business at a very young age. It can be something as simple as selling pure water. It will teach you about managing conflicts and all the lessons you will need with handling life.

Travel as much as you can and meet new people. You will be more exposed and see life differently.  Mark Twain once said “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”

Dreams do come true. Ideas rule the world. Keep thinking and doing. Who knows, you might be the next rated inventor.

Do not be afraid to fail. When you fall, dust yourself off and keep moving.

Invest in yourself. Take classes in things that interest you, buy books/journals, and join clubs.

There are only 24 hours in day. Use it wisely.

Networking with people from diverse backgrounds can change your life for the better. We are only separated by six degrees (6.6 degrees to be exact). That simply means we are just six (6) introductions away from any other person on the planet.

Learn to say “Thank You”. These two words are more powerful than you could imagine, plus it is free! The best things in life are free.

Do not judge people. Respect others. To thy own self, be true. In the words of Rick Warren: “Our culture has accepted two huge lies: The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate”.

No one is going to hand you success. You must go out and get it yourself. That’s why you are here. Breathe with a purpose. We all have a purpose. Do not settle until you find yours.

True happiness comes from within and you are not truly successful if happiness has been compromised in the process.

I cannot stress enough how important you all are to me. Thank you for being part of my 2014.

In 2015, I hope to continue to share my gifts with the world, foster positive change in my own backyard and above all, be happy.

How about you? Leave comments below!

Ridwan and Miss Akinsemolu

Ridwan and Miss Akinsemolu


Comments (3)

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On Behalf of the Real Science of Recombinant Memetics, a project is underway with these conceptual foundation constructs embedded into the presentations of information theory.

@Gruwup 2016
Great Reasons Us [ You There, I Here, and All Interested Listening/Reading Audience Worldwide ]
Will Unite Peace
A 37 Minute Spoken Voice Audio Presentation of a LinkedIn Public Community Post
@Gruwup #Community #Peacebuilding : Binding Knot of Reconciliation called Mpatapo from African Adinkra Symbolism Wisdom is missing in our modern world of information technologies. See Notes Regarding Allowing Pop-Up Window for Separate Mp3 Audio. There is No spam here at this site.

A 6 Minutes and 19Second Spoken Voice Audio Presentation.
Now I see why -- peace building in this country is so missing -- the Mpatapo Consult needs to be an empowerment that we as individuals one to one can rebuild our reconciliations of trust in our communities for us to be able to trust ourselves from going damn out insane. Our United States Department of Conciliation is standing shameful to only be the option here in the USA -- and I have the technology theory Recombinant Memetics solution sound of foundation intelligent design work theory presence - manually technically applied WORKS!


Transcript of REAL SCIENCES
Exo-meteorology: is offering remarkable insights into the conditions found on some of the more extreme planets in the galaxy
Nutrigenomics: study of the interaction of nutrition and genes, especially with regard to the prevention or treatment of disease.
Synthetic biology: an interdisciplinary branch of biology, combining disciplines such as biotechnology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, systems biology and biophysics, and is in many ways related to genetic engineering.
Cognitive economics looks at what is actually going on within the individual's mind when they make that choice. What the internal structure of their decision-making, what the influences on it, how information enter the mind and how is it processed, what form do preferences take internally, and then ultimately how are all those processes expressed in our behavior.
Recombinant memetics: the study of how memes (ideas that spread from person to person) can be adjusted and merged with other memes and memeplexes (a cohesive collection of memes, like a religion) for beneficial or ‘socially therapeutic' purposes (such as combating the spread of radical and violent ideologies). This is similar to the idea of 'memetic engineering'


#BlackLivesMatter / #AllLivesMatter -- I give a voice cause to this under a recombinant memetic information theory presentation. Thank you for linking to my community peace building messages. @Gruwup 2016

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Ma, it's been a great honour working with u in 2014. We appreciate your hard work, commitment, love, care, and many things that you taught us apart from school work. We learnt how to relate with others during our Going Green Campaign, you encouraged us during our presentations, you made us realized that we can do anything. Thank you so much ma! I wish you Merry Christmas in arrears and Happy New Year in advance. I love you ma. God bless you! Yemisi Raji

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It has always been a pleasure attending you classes, working with you and the way you relate with us. I Ayoola Ahmed appreciates you on behalf of the whole GoGreen team and I also pray the relationship we keep won't be dented as we merry into a new year.

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My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)