James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

[ Placed Here as a Neighbors Helping Neighbors Standard ] cellulitis : My real first ever health complication involving my feet --- this sucks
1 message

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 6:48 PM
Reply-To: Martin.J.Driskill@inthemindway.org
To: Marquas Richie <richiemarquas@gmail.com>, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>
Cc: Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>, Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>

In a passing days of my life there has been made a statement of reflection from the good will stated intentions of the leadership persons in the organization that held the property and tenancy management for my HOPWA residence in Oakland California 2003-2006 at Allen Temple Manor.

As should it bear forward into the view of all here in Denver too -- this does hold  weighty truth to reach backward of my prior relationships as an honor and bring forward to be presented of that honor to current relationships understandings.  This is how and why the adinkra symbol Sankofa meaning applies as wisdom.

ABHOW: Neighbors Helping Neighbors

American Baptist Homes of the West
Aug 21, 2012 - What does it mean to be a good neighbor? It means watching out for each other. It means offering a helping hand when someone struggles.


Darrell, I placed a voice call to you and left a voice message regarding this health related matter.

My concern here is whether I should wait until Monday and schedule an on-call apt with my assigned
care provider at the Colorado University Hospital in Aurora which is "specialized hiv care considerations of course"


if need be visit a more immediate urgent care around here in the neighborhood.

My question to you was if you knew specifically the best option here just in case I need it.

Currently, my friend Marquas Richie is at work --- however just called me to see if I needed anything.

He has a special vetted inclusion of my visiting guests here by the placement of this named
folder at my information system under my internet domain.

[DIR] #Kramobone-The.Good/    19-Oct-2016 22:05    - 
[DIR] #Marquas.Damone.Richie/ 22-Oct-2016 10:14    -

[TXT] Observance Special Recognition 22-Oct-2016 11:29 42K
[ This has spoken voice text narrative interface at this link ]  

He will be coming back here after his work day to help me in any needed
assistance during this struggle.
For the most part -- i have not had to deal with complications to which not going to specialized care
may in fact be an extremely unwise choice for best care options.

Darrell, it might be noteworthy of mention here that Jennifer also has a named folder placed where my
friend is included.  Here folder has recently been moved to this root meme definition.  As such is the state, this disclosure for your knowledge is one of the very purposes that this email is being writing to  you today,.

[DIR] #Jennifer.Mattock/      20-Oct-2016 11:11    -   
 Now onto the actual topic of this day's health related matters that I requested inforamtion from you -- which you have already replied. Thank you.

This is an example of pictures from online to this condition.

yes this currently  at the  extreme painful state symptoms showing up
this morning.  This just festered up overnight and been in this state less than12
hours, In this short time period, i think I am safe overall in waiting till  Monday,

However in this state -- it very difficult for my to walk around even in my own apartment to use
the bathroom etc.    But I do not believe it will effect my  ability to drive to Aurora on Monday, hopefully..

I do believe this is what I have..... pictures above is examples from onlne and picture below here is taken just now.

This is my right foot:
Inline image 1

Symptoms of cellulitis


The symptoms of cellulitis may include:

  • pain and tenderness in the affected area
  • redness or inflammation of your skin
  • a skin sore or rash that appears and grows quickly
  • a tight, glossy, swollen appearance of the skin
  • a feeling of warmth in the affected area
  • a central area that has an abscess with pus formation
  • a fever

Some common symptoms of a more serious cellulitis infection are:

  [ none of these symptoms are currently presenting at this time ]

  • shaking
  • chills
  • a feeling of illness
  • fatigue
  • dizziness
  • lightheadedness
  • muscle aches
  • warm skin
  • sweating

Symptoms such as the following could signal that cellulitis is spreading:

  • drowsiness
  • lethargy
  • blistering
  • red streaks

You should contact your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms occur.


Cellulitis causes and risk factors

Risk Factors

Cellulitis occurs when certain types of bacteria enter through a cut or crack in the skin. Cellulitis is commonly caused by Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria.

Skin injuries such as cuts, insect bites, or surgical incisions are commonly the sites of the infection. Certain factors also increase your risk of developing cellulitis.

Common risk factors include:

  • a weakened immune system
  • skin conditions that cause breaks in the skin, such as eczema and athlete’s foot
  • intravenous (IV) drug use
  • diabetes
  • a history of cellulitis

Diagnosing cellulitis


Your doctor can usually diagnose cellulitis on sight, but they’ll perform a physical exam to determine the extent of your condition. This exam might reveal:

  • swelling of the skin
  • redness and warmth of the affected area
  • swollen glands

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your doctor may want to monitor the affected area for a few days to see if redness or swelling spread. In some cases, your doctor may perform a blood test or a culture of the wound to test for the presence of bacteria.

Treating cellulitis


Your doctor will usually prescribe a 10- to 21-day regimen of oral antibiotics to treat your cellulitis. The length of your treatment with oral antibiotics will depend on the severity of your condition. Even if symptoms improve within a few days, it’s important to take all of the medication prescribed to ensure proper treatment. While you’re taking antibiotics, monitor your condition to see if symptoms improve. In most cases, symptoms will improve or disappear within a few days.

In some cases, pain relievers are prescribed. You should rest until your symptoms improve. While you rest, you should raise the affected limb higher than your heart to reduce any swelling.

Contact your doctor immediately if you don’t respond to treatment within three days after beginning a round of antibiotics, if your symptoms get worse, or if you develop a fever.

Cellulitis should go away within seven to 10 days of starting antibiotics. Longer treatment could be necessary if your infection is severe. This can occur if you suffer from a chronic disease or if your immune system isn’t working properly.

People with certain pre-existing medical conditions and risk factors may need to stay in the hospital for observation during treatment. Your doctor may advise hospitalization if you:

  • have high temperature
  • have high blood pressure
  • have an infection that doesn’t improve with antibiotics
  • have a compromised immune system due to other diseases
  • require IV antibiotics when oral antibiotics don’t work


[ in this advise given -- I do not believe I am in an URGENT CARE NEED at the immediate time.

Thank you for providing the simple short and sweet reply you have in sms text.

-Martin Driskill
Apt 112
YES, i do consider this a neighbors helping neighbors communication of concerns
beyond building manger to tenancy interpersonal relationship involvements  ---

I hope this email is received to that cause and assistance  --
and not a built up to be misrepresented of some malformed idea
there is not a relationship of any kind standing and holding us here.

For separating us from this neighborly and community communication ability...
truly in my view shameful to the dysfunction of relationship that you wish
to defined and have here with me per your directives and not mine.

So be that it may....

I think I am being most wise to know -- that my previous emails
has been replied upon in complaint as hateful when no such
hateful positions were present.

Even onto the subject topic matter itself should have held
a shared interest community concern in direct HIV/AIDS
matters that are applied to this building's community
residence.  BUT DID NOT.  That was not held to be the wiser of
the oblivion breakage oblivion breakage in a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE.

I am really at a loss of words to define a really
solid good reason why this DISUNITY is
established here in the first place in the
communication channels. 

For these should be obligated  to the standards addressed by Marlon Riggs and
filed right here in the university higher education learning presentation of materials
at  colorado.edu

This is the new standard of civilized life that now demands our urgent labor, a new world order, if you will, that subverts traditional conceptions of social order: a standard which in effect subverts the meaning of the word "standard" itself. For the new order must be comprised of multiple standards: shifting, open-ended, dynamically transforming, so as to engender ways of thinking and living that privilege no one set of cultural differences over another but affirm virtue in all.

This address of Marlon Riggs here has been refined and expanded in my community peace
building address #06 to national scope points of view.  I take and place that statement as it is cited there and quote it here into this conversation thread for this is truly reinforced time and time again.

This is an absolute moral truth in our active participation or distraction of responsibilities that we honor or dishonor onto ourselves.

... that onto the masses these abuses if left unearthed, unnoticed,  unaddressed, un-absolved will only goes to the injustices that ultimately ALL in society WILL suffer the casualties for not doing the right justice actions now today that is being called upon us and actually have been called upon us for a few generations now.

 (1) Eulogy of Robert F. Kennedy of June 1968 [ Audio mp3 ] through (2) Marlon Riggs' Introduction To Standards V5N1 [ Audio Pt1  Audio Pt2  Audio Conclusive Importance : Audio Accreditation ] through current era date by (3) Pope Francis Address To Congress September 2015 [ Audio Mp3 ] and now (4) President Barack Obama most recent of Sunday July 10th 2016 to LISTEN TO ONE ANOTHER and (5) Hillary Clinton calls for a change in the indifference called upon our communities,.

To access the full and complete community address with spoken voice text narrative interface presentation -- at 37 minute audio playtime --- link to: http://community.gruwup.net/06/

Failing of these clauses of concerns here addressed to you now --- is a failure to think straight and
proper and sound in sanity based ideas that persevere our everlasting peace.

How really awful to make this a documentation of record - a stated status of standing present as a known pretense here.  This is abnormal and you too know it too.

Thank you for reading.

So how can this too be also mistaken but for the intention of resolve to best outcomes is my very nature made my motivation to generate this email today -- Saturday Oct 22 2016  3:22 PM - it can't and shall not be done upon this relationship worthiness  -- I guarantee this is not outside of personal care consequences that will indeed be placed.

For if it is of a failure of missed opportunity that would be innocent but a failure here defined by me would be in fact a great success defined by you.  That is unwise of my cause would be a great success defined by you. and that is unwise discourse of conflict to continue for sure

Can we find a regaining of our dignity together herein this challenge made to you now.

And let us work to pave the roadways of the life paths we each are walking to the same color or color compatibility shade matching so they blend beautifully together in harmony.  For that is the visions I want to maintain and blend in peacefully.   If this cannot be done this way wiser , we are left in color contrasting shades upon us is the ugly state of affairs that actually has been present to the root of all things chaos has been documented here.

There has been a noticeable like an over the cliff drop marking reduction of observance to the occurrences of harassment received and other various negative attitudes against me.  This change only basically since our meeting at Pillar properties. 

Prior to that, this was an ever-present unbreakable force chaos placed here made to look like it was coming from outside community involvements for months and months and months --- never ending. until just recently.

But you and I both know, with the bicycle issue discussion I have written about recently to my case manager and Jennifer, to which it was you and your knowledge that this bicycle was indeed in my care for many weeks and was placed stored in the front of my car for at least two weeks prior to the garage power washing work that was completed.

For in that power washing clean up of the entire cemented floor space of the garage, it was indeed an observance of your mind and and action of your hands -- yes you Darrell Johnson to remove this bicycle from in front of my car and carry it to the inside hallway and hang it on the storage rack.

For indeed you had to carry that bicycle with the wheels off the ground.  This because the wheel and chain assembly as just mentioned on this bicycle was intentionally placed dysfunctional by me, the person to whom this bicycle was the subject of being left here inside of my apartment unit and fully dismantled from that visiting guests abandonment of property and the circumstances involving that.  For it was stored in my closet for many weeks prior to its dysfunctional reassembly appearance in front of my car.

Who who who is involved in the pathways of interpersonal connections that brings this person visiting guest here with his bicycle in tow,?  The answer of course was from the actions of Mr. Mawuna Harris not by my reaching out to the outside community myself.

For that visiting guest was brought here by the independent involvements of others and their separate and apparent hidden agenda activities and actions. These made completely severed from me of both direct and direct involvements on my part what so ever.

The bicycle and its movements from the initial passing time of abandonment to it's inter changing states of assembly and storage placements as a matter of "convenience" decisions made onto this space by me is the object left over and present to this discussion talking point  to the actual conspiracy that is now revealed by circumstances are being presented here truthfully to this story.

For which you blame me for my own state of affairs for these things and the car theft and the carrying on and on and on which indeed are not my fault.

This because this is where such faults and judgements for such faults do in fact break their chains of responsibility to what is occurring is actually not by me personally giving permission or consent to other actors involved here to the real underlying happenings invisible to me and outside of my awareness in and through my involvements in those moments of time while all of this was occuring to the chaos over controls motives were being planned and tied up here.  For future events will show something very very disturbing.

We do realize that all here is the stated  is the truth to the occurrences that actually did in fact happen here chaos abound time after time after time that was placed into and inside living breathing spaces of this unit's #112 spaces by outside actors involved in conspiracy..  This was done onto me against my true working knowledge freewill.


This is fact Darrel, and you can sit there in your silence or actually attempt to build new faith that we are not over paving different colors patchworks here onto the ground to which we both are walking to disharmony is not my goal for sure.

For weeks later in my ever interweaving developments of interpersonal relations attempting to get controls and moral consents in place between Mr Mawuna Harris and myself, this event of violence reckoning was put to being video recorded and posted onto my Facebook timeline.  This occured and was posted on May 9th. [ shown below ]

Wow Mr Johnson... do we think this is just happen chance?

The source of this more likely than not source conspiracy has been identified to be sourced internal of this building at 1005 Washington involvements outside of mine to the call upon to the most expanding level of outside community participants.  These holding and outward view on my part as a relationship considered fresh as new acquaintances are in my line of view.  But in fact were not truly outside independent, now were they?

These to then finally resolute their agenda chaos at some future time forward, they could not resist whatever incentives they were given to become a participating presence here in this way. 

For that future time forward eventually succumbs to the directions of intentions source placed made from persons of an internal to this building source as agency power of this conspiracy.

Although his is highly subjective point of view to prove, but it is more likely than not proven to the preponderance of the evidence is the standard I am meeting here -- for sure.

This was in fact was occurring time after time after time.  This really some kind of real hurtful hateful scheme breaking bindings of common decency for absolute real up human truth written here for sure by me.  Nothing is outside of exaggerated story casing.

I tell you you better hold onto your self -- your guts are being placed and left onto the table here ---- and for that --- you shall be placed shitless for days to realize I have known this truth for months.

Is there really an end game place here --- or will it start up again?

For I had been receiving and documenting this for months and months and months an unyielding storm of chaos and calamity. 

This up until noticeable suspension recently, basically the time we had our meeting time at Pillar Property.

Can I truly have any faith in you Mr Johnson that this has a cease and desist presence for never to be returned and reactivated against me?

For in your sound of silence -- there is no holding for me that I can trust and grab onto to a level that is "confidence divine" this is forever done.

Will there ever so ever be the fact there is still present an antagonist plot character onto this story that by this time --- can be placed to a grand scale MOVIE MADE FOR TV BASED ON A TRUE STORY EPIC from the documentations  I have for sure in my record of this is true.

I really don't want to write such a book to then be put to film.

There is really really really a better option here for us to understand one's placement upon our lives --- and be better wise to some other grand purpose endeavor

for UNITED WE STAND and DIVIDED WE FALL is the ever so ever lesson to know --- and you know I am mission work goal here UNITE PEACE BUILDING efforts in community messaging.

Where are you on this?  

I MUST BE PROVIDED A STATEMENT OF SUPPORTIVE ADDRESS FROM THE LEADERSHIPS ABOVE THE MISMANAGEMENT OF MY TENANCY.  Without this LETTER OF SUPPORTIVE POSITION, the integrity fails to hold divine confidence this will not return some time when I let up my guard for a time.

I do not deserve this what has happened to me --- I do not deserve it to be reactivated again for damn fucked  up human sure!

I am done here with this story --- going onto Facebook links -- see for yourself


There is definitely a reason for this writing and will be memespace archived and filed accordingly.  Spoken voice text narrative interface to these words -- of course.  Thank you for a supportive understanding concern.  i really do appreciate that change and affirming position here in reply.  it is deemed necessary function that cannot be ignored.

Once again, this is not harassing intention directed email content writing to you Darrel Johnson

. For sure.

This should be on of the very last addresses of change in directives
I must have to make onto this circumstances -- if in fact I can do my mission work without interference. 

Do I have that assurances statements -- made in writing --- as will be the only accepted standard I will trust.

Good Day are ahead of us all. 

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This is the result of helping people that are in fact beyond my help -- I feel now threatened Beyond help.
this guy needs to be institutionalized I'm telling you --- for at least carefully taught boundaries to the consequences of breaking boundaries in people's lives when it is obvious that I have made those efforts of boundaries here in this space. To the degree he violates to now repeats this again and again -- I have had to place to the record on Souncloud Casecase of Mawuna Harris #1 and #2 : #2 is more serious that #1 -- but #1 it now not clothes but paints that he has here in this space. Which is true. I give him that he really should schedule this with me that just arriving at the door. But I will conceede to to his URGENCY of needing it now --- he cannot come in here and absuse the right of dialogue with me until he can surely know he has had consequences of not being welcomed here because of his dishonesty. Come back in an hour. Well, he did not arrive in an hour.... he waited till all the way till 2am to oince again arrive AFTER HOURS at this intercom thinking this is not already apparently a normal common decency barrier that he is about to break again with me, he dialed up my number again 2am people thinking this is OK. IT'S NOT! The really disturbing part of this is -- with the "test effect" of the lights ON FULLY in the front room till I awaken shortly before 2am -- then get up and perform a task of test to the walking outside and up the alley to be caught onto building security cameras of a quick in/out of the building -- reflecting that was my intent because knowing I have not effectively secured an understanding with this man, I already question he is stocking, he is absolutely second time period stocking me. I turn down the lights to effectively all lights low --- and go to start some work on my computer to the degree I just woke up. He does not know that I was alsleep and now awake-- and if he does -- he is disturbed to be both monitoring me of the lights from outside and then also cyber-stocking me to the presence of my online status which highly unlikely that would serve anything anyway since I have DEPARTED ONLINE ACTIVITY MOST ALL FORMS as a continuous online presence for many many weeks now. So not more than 5 minutes after I start to my work, the door intercom is used to dial into this space at 2:02am -- All of which this is UNDESERVING of any response -- but here is that ONLINE DOCUMENTATION of response placed onto the sound cloud. I am giving Case-notes #2 more weight here than #1 --- but both serve as truth to the actions --- I do not know what to do with this guy -- I cannot hold space for him here -- whether I am here by myself or have already present company. Or anything if he cannot follow my directives. Its too much his chaos out of boundary of my need to control such chaos in a space dedicated to peace building. There is a a lesson here -- he knows has been a part of his time here. He is not listening to me, individually or the lesson plan work here. I cannot and will not subject myself to this guy who does not truly suffer of consequences from breaking boundaries with people. I am off my wall of wit to do this alone.

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