7/4/24, 4:48 PM - Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them. Tap to learn more. 7/4/24, 4:48 PM - Mike is a contact 7/4/24, 4:48 PM - Mike: Mike turned off disappearing messages. Tap to change. 7/4/24, 4:50 PM - Mike: Hello Martin 7/4/24, 4:50 PM - Mike: I got your contact from one of my tenants …I learnt you are interested in renting an apartment 7/4/24, 4:51 PM - Martin: Hi Mike. 7/4/24, 4:51 PM - Mike: So what is budget Let’s work with that firstly. 7/4/24, 4:54 PM - Martin: I'm on a fixed social security disability income since 2000. Currently my net I income is 2150/month. I qualify for several affordable housing options in subsidized housing under federal programs of HUD. So, I am looking to cross compare market rate housing including a room share options. I can comfortably afford $900 to $1000 a month. 7/4/24, 4:56 PM - Martin: Ezekiel said you had an rental avil for $820 a month an Nashville. What is your relationship to Ezekiel? 7/4/24, 4:56 PM - Martin: I just met him this is my first day knowing him and this you. 7/4/24, 4:56 PM - Mike: Oh Ezekiel is one of my happy tenants…and he has referred a lot of people to me … 7/4/24, 4:56 PM - Mike: Oh really 7/4/24, 4:57 PM - Martin: There are plenty of people scamming. My planned move date isy birthday Sept 1st 7/4/24, 4:57 PM - Mike: Oh …that house has been rented by some couple months ago…but I have plenty interesing offer for you 7/4/24, 4:57 PM - Martin: I have nothing keeping me here in California 7/4/24, 4:58 PM - Mike: I understand…you are in safe hands now…I’m know very well in Nashville for my trustworthiness …so you have nothing to worry about Martin. 7/4/24, 4:58 PM - Martin: How many properties do you manage I total? 7/4/24, 4:58 PM - Mike: I have lots of estates …I can’t start counting them … 7/4/24, 4:58 PM - Martin: There was my first firecracker outside. Btw Happy 4th of July 7/4/24, 4:58 PM - Mike: But I have up to 4 properties in Nashville 7/4/24, 4:59 PM - Martin: Apartment buildings are houses? 7/4/24, 4:59 PM - Martin: Or 7/4/24, 4:59 PM - Mike: Same here …Thank you 7/4/24, 4:59 PM - Mike: I manage estates,houses for sale,houses for rent,apartments for rent …etc 7/4/24, 5:00 PM - Martin: I need to see about signing up with your local social services agent for persons with disabilities. I qualify to have my first month plus deposit payed by them. 7/4/24, 5:01 PM - Martin: Therefore I need to find you creditable and trust worthy that there is a real offer of an rental space. I am homeless. 7/4/24, 5:01 PM - Martin: I am willing to crash Into the streets of Nashville to get help in housing location placement 7/4/24, 5:02 PM - Mike: I will give you the address of the apartment I have for rent currently 7/4/24, 5:03 PM - Mike: I am an agent of western hills Apartments 7/4/24, 5:03 PM - Martin: In California, I have been blackballed against having a social service agency represent me with a case manager. I have no case manger. Let me first see what options for bus or train is available. Do you have an address for one of the properties you have In mind for this negotiation? 7/4/24, 5:04 PM - Mike: 100 Watts Cir, Nashville, TN 37209 7/4/24, 5:04 PM - Martin: Ah Western Hills Apartments I will look that up 7/4/24, 5:05 PM - Mike: Once you are done looking it up …get back to me 7/4/24, 5:05 PM - Mike: So we can talk about the necessary procedures 7/4/24, 5:06 PM - Martin: Appox 2 days away 7/4/24, 5:06 PM - Martin: 7/4/24, 5:07 PM - Martin: My projected move date is my birthday Sept 1st 7/4/24, 5:07 PM - Mike: Is this distance okay for you ? 7/4/24, 5:07 PM - Mike: I also have other properties closer to you …just name the suitable area you want …I will get you an apartment 7/4/24, 5:08 PM - Mike: But if Tennessee is okay for you ..we can go ahead with the necessary procedures 7/4/24, 5:09 PM - Martin: The affordable housing / homeless situation in California is beyond tolerable limits. I would explain further if you need. But I have documented this affect on my life as being singled out and as a targeted individual and blackballed from social services. 7/4/24, 5:09 PM - Martin: 7/4/24, 5:09 PM - Martin: That is my Facebook page 7/4/24, 5:10 PM - Martin: Https://Facebook.com/Inthemindway 7/4/24, 5:10 PM - Mike: Ok .. 7/4/24, 5:10 PM - Mike: So do you like the apartment in Tennessee 7/4/24, 5:11 PM - Mike: We have programmes for disabled…we have beautiful discounts 7/4/24, 5:11 PM - Martin: Frankly, this is the first exchange I have. I am willing to relocate and distance is not am issue 7/4/24, 5:12 PM - Mike: I understand 7/4/24, 5:12 PM - Mike: Before we proceed with any documentation…you have to pay an agent fee for commitment and services 7/4/24, 5:13 PM - Mike: And it’s just 63$ 7/4/24, 5:13 PM - Martin: I am a targeted individual of gangstalking. https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-gang-stalking.htm Criminal What Is Gang Stalking? Margaret Lipman By Margaret Lipman Updated Jun 04, 2024 Our promise to you READ ALL MyLawQuestions is dedicated to creating trustworthy, high-quality content that always prioritizes transparency, integrity, and inclusivity above all else. Our editorial standards ensure that our content creation and review process includes rigorous fact-checking, evidence-based, and continual updates to ensure accuracy and reliability. Gang stalking, a term that describes the orchestrated harassment and intimidation by a collective against an individual or smaller group, is a disturbing phenomenon with real-world implications. According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, stalking affects 6-7.5 million people in the U.S. each year, with a subset potentially experiencing the group-based tactics characteristic of gang stalking. While comprehensive statistics on gang stalking specifically are elusive, its impact can be profound, leading to severe psychological distress. Laws vary by jurisdiction, with some states classifying gang stalking as a felony, reflecting its seriousness. Understanding what gang stalking is crucial for recognizing its signs and providing support to those affected. 7/4/24, 5:13 PM - Mike: What’s this ? 7/4/24, 5:14 PM - Martin: I have been a targeted individual of this negative cultural and real life affect since I first recognized it in June of 2005. 7/4/24, 5:14 PM - Martin: I provided the link 7/4/24, 5:14 PM - Martin: https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-gang-stalking.htm 7/4/24, 5:15 PM - Martin: A crime. And the Same Bernardino Police allows gangstalking and I have no powers to stop the harassment with my local police authority 7/4/24, 5:15 PM - Mike: I understand martin. 7/4/24, 5:16 PM - Martin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stalking/comments/rin9c8/san_bernardino_police_department_allows_gang/ 7/4/24, 5:16 PM - Mike: So are you ready to pay the 63$ for agent fee..so we can proceed with necessary documentations 7/4/24, 5:16 PM - Martin: So I am here with one of the agents of an apartment opportunity who is Mike. 7/4/24, 5:17 PM - Martin: I am ready to call you at Western Hill Apartments. 7/4/24, 5:18 PM - Martin: 7/4/24, 5:18 PM - Martin: The public listed number. They can transfer me to your extension 7/4/24, 5:18 PM - Mike: As you can see our official page is closed 7/4/24, 5:19 PM - Martin: Them do you have a business card with a current detail on your "property rental opportunities" ? 7/4/24, 5:20 PM - Mike: You are talking with an agent already…I don’t think there’s need for that again 7/4/24, 5:20 PM - Martin: Opens 8 a M on Monday I'm leaving a voicemail 7/4/24, 5:20 PM - Mike: Ok Martin 7/4/24, 5:26 PM - Martin: I left a voice mail. My projected move date is Sept 1st. I left a voice mail. And initiated an SMS connection if supported 7/4/24, 5:27 PM - Martin: 7/4/24, 5:27 PM - Mike: You might be connected to another agent …who will recieve the commission 7/4/24, 5:27 PM - Mike: Ok 7/4/24, 5:28 PM - Martin: No. I am very specially validating your info. I won't deal with a different agent, I promise if that is the case 7/4/24, 5:29 PM - Martin: Mike. My full name is James Martin Driskill and have to consider changing my last name to separate myself away from the gangstalking, harassment, and scamming. Let's keep everything up and professional.. 7/4/24, 5:29 PM - Mike: We are fully trust worthy ..and there’s nothing to worry about sir. 7/4/24, 5:30 PM - Martin: I've even invited them to WhatsApp 7/4/24, 5:30 PM - Martin: 7/4/24, 5:31 PM - Mike: Once your information get recorded via the voicemail you sent …I won’t be able to give you the discount I’m supposed to give you 7/4/24, 5:31 PM - Martin: This conversation is paused until Monday when I can validate the information so far. I appreciate your understandings in these matters 7/4/24, 5:31 PM - Mike: Send your mail to them so they can reach out to you 7/4/24, 5:32 PM - Martin: If that is the case then it may be a deal breaker 7/4/24, 5:32 PM - Martin: I don't believe you. 7/4/24, 5:32 PM - Mike: I understand you Martin.. 7/4/24, 5:33 PM - Martin: Voice mail already sent. I await the status of that call back to me before we can proceed. 7/4/24, 5:33 PM - Mike: Ok sir 7/4/24, 5:33 PM - Martin: In the meantime... . Do you have a photo of a business card? 7/4/24, 5:34 PM - Martin: 7/4/24, 5:35 PM - Martin: What is a krambone? It is system of symbolic communication dating back over 200 years 7/4/24, 5:36 PM - Martin: Http://twitter.com/AwesumKramobone I own an Adult Consent Thought and Practice School named: The Awesome Kramobone Playroom School 7/4/24, 5:37 PM - Martin: If this is a deal breaker.. So be ot 7/4/24, 5:37 PM - Martin: It 7/4/24, 5:37 PM - Martin: 7/4/24, 5:37 PM - Martin: No scamming. I will be back in touch on * 7/4/24, 5:37 PM - Martin: Monday 7/4/24, 5:37 PM - Mike: Ok sir 7/4/24, 5:37 PM - Martin: Happy 4th of July / Independence Day 7/4/24, 5:40 PM - Martin: https://awesomekramobone.gruwup.net/BasicHumanNeeds/ 7/4/24, 5:40 PM - Martin: 7/4/24, 5:41 PM - Martin: http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/BasicHumanNeeds/Maslow%27s%20Pyramid%20%20what%20is%20it,%20what%20are%20its%20levels,%20how%20can%20we%20apply%20it,%20does%20it%20only%20have%20advantages.html 7/4/24, 5:42 PM - Martin: http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/BasicHumanNeeds/cognifit-Maslows%20Pyramid%20what%20is%20it,%20what%20are%20its%20levels,%20how%20can%20we%20apply%20it,%20does%20it%20only%20have%20advantages.mp3 7/4/24, 5:42 PM - Martin: By the professional book sir Mike 7/4/24, 5:43 PM - Martin: Sign Up Maslow’s Pyramid: what is it, how can we apply it? CogniFit on January 22, 2019 Our needs move us to overcome every challenge that is thrown our way daily. What is Maslow’s pyramid? What is it for? What are its levels? What are basic needs? What is self-actualization? In this article, we will take a look at Maslow’s hierarchy (or pyramid) of needs more in depth to answer these questions. Discover everything you need to know about motivation through this theory. 7/4/24, 5:44 PM - Martin: Sign up is a link external to my agency. Found here https://blog.cognifit.com/maslows-pyramid/ 7/4/24, 6:08 PM - Martin: Did you know you can save chat transcript history. 7/4/24, 6:09 PM - Martin: