Unfriending peace is not possible - your roommate Sammie Francher still holds TENANCY RIGHTS at your apartment -- HE WILL NOT STAND for your INSOLENCE!

@GRUWUP.NET <>Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 6:55 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: @GRUWUP.NET <>
Date: Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 12:04 AM
Subject: Unfriending peace is not possible - your roommate Sammie Francher still holds TENANCY RIGHTS at your apartment -- HE WILL NOT STAND for your INSOLENCE!
To: Joshua GRUWUP Luckey Riddle <>



noun: insolence; plural noun: insolences
  1. rude and disrespectful behavior.
    "she was sacked for insolence"

Unfriending peace is not possible - your roommate Sammie Francher still holds TENANCY RIGHTS at your apartment -- HE WILL NOT STAND for your INSOLENCE!

Dear Mr Joshua Luckey Riddle,

Based on actual calculated data from Facebook private messages between you and your tenant that you unjustly throw out of your home and into the streets, it can be determined a friendship duration at one path of friendship linked upon our social society noosphere (the collective body of all human information) by an unfriending action on Facebook and then further action of blocking to wall out or wall in however you want to see it's perspective from his point of view or your point of view. This is the calculated duration on Facebook based in real time data:

From: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 1:25:00 AM
To: Midnight between Wednesday, December 9, 2015 and Thursday, December 10, 2015

Result: 392 days, 22 hours, 35 minutes and 0 seconds

Or 1 year, 27 days excluding the end date

But I have it on good knowing that you have actually been what we would call friends for 15 years.

How can you come to treat a friend such as he is this way?  Legally speaking, not only are you wrong by your action, but you are actually in legal jeopardy of being visited by an deputy of the Jefferson County Sheriff's department to reinforce and set straight your folly ways of thinking and acting in this regard.

There is absolutely no justification for your actions -- and it is here and now that you must respond to this correspondence in just cause or else there will be certain informational consequences to which perhaps there can and may be a point to which there no honorable returns of your character.

This communication here is absolutely real.

There is nothing to pay money for.

What is stated here can and may go into full public memespace view if you just ignore this communication.  Please treat this email wisely.

Your roommate and sub-tenant wishes to resolve these matters and return to a cordial friendship. But your lack of understanding that a unfriending peace in today's world is not possible.

To understand why these things are true and to remove your ignorance over these truths, you must see the future is not as you think it was, the future is actually pointing in this direction:

11 Emerging Scientific Fields That Everyone Should Know About

7. Recombinant Memetics

This one's quite speculative, and it's technically speaking still in the proto-science phase. But it'll only be a matter of time before scientists get a better handle on the human noosphere (the collective body of all human information) and how the proliferation of information within it impacts upon virtually all aspects of human life.

Similar to recombinant DNA (in which different genetic sequences are brought together to create something new), recombinant memetics is the study of how memes (ideas that spread from person to person) can be adjusted and merged with other memes and memeplexes (a cohesive collection of memes, like a religion) for beneficial or ‘socially therapeutic' purposes (such as combating the spread of radical and violent ideologies). This is similar to the idea of 'memetic engineering' — which philosopher Daniel Dennett suggested could be used to maintain cultural health. Or what DARPA is currently doing via their ‘narrative control' program.

11 Emerging Scientific Fields That Everyone Should Know About

Your first action of course would be to unblock him from your Facebook account so that you both can return to a normal communication exchange.  He is not asking for all that much beyond that.

If you really no longer consider him a friend, perhaps you really should consider what a true friend is.

Michael Bassey Johnson

“A true friend doesn't have guts; they beat you up and later plead with you to beat them back.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Does this describe your relationships?  He says so.

Perhaps you should change your presence of mind.  That is what is being Gruw up.

Michael Bassey Johnson

“People will walk in and walk out of your life, but the one whose footstep made a long lasting impression is the one you should never allow to walk out.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

You must give your tenant a 30 day notice to vacate. 

This is the very bottom limit of your responsibility over these matters.  This is required of you.  Your failure to not regard your so called 15 year friendship in high reverence to maintain a communication channel during these times of strife in the resolution of truth that he wishes to restate here to you and why you misunderstood him to react in a absolutely unjust way. 

Can we find a "knot of reconciliation" here under the Mpatapo Adinkra Symbol.

Mpatapo: Reconciliation and Peacemaking

This image is an Adinkra symbol (a system of symbols from Ghana in West Africa) called mpatapo. It is meant to represent the "knot of pacification/reconciliation," and as such it is the symbol for reconciliation, peacemaking and pacification.

"Mpatapo represents the bond or knot that binds the separate parties in a dispute to a peaceful, harmonious reconciliation. It is a symbol of peacemaking after strife." --from West African Wisdom: Adinkra Symbols & Meanings

For his honor to the friendship he holds to this spaces naming ideal [ ]  has been a challenge for him to conquer true honorable ways for which he has been returned to a proper level of human common sense ways about relations.  This is because he found his way to an apology and a promise to which I hold that he shall never go into and be such wrongfully mind fucked up human ways again between us.  It cannot happen. 

It is because he is now a bit wiser and more understanding of actual truths of ourselves and not being dishonest and hiding or lurking in dark mind hateful hidden agendas to our mutually shared interests and happiness.

How to apologize??? Do not reply to this email!!!

It will not be read by a human.  As you read below the signature line information, there is no human here reading replies. 

This is a ONE WAY ATTEMPT to resolve your differences in absolute trust that you are actually true friends.

You may find that your roommate / subtenant has recently been offered the following public memespace folder in his name:[Persons]/Sammie.Giovanni.Francher/

That is real.

You must return your Facebook relationships in the real social networking settings back to at least unblocked so that he can message you which continues upon the connection conversations established. 

If you do not feel you want to return friendship status, that is not necessary at this time.

Next, you must return the key to his possession so that he can return and come and go as his freedom was established there. This is for what is considered a period of 30 days.  You should make it a important expression of what you need from him during this 30 days period.  If you need a change in whatever, I am willing to be here for this negations, but true to what he is stating, he is absolutely on the streets of homelessness again.

To have a greater understanding of the life jeopardy and cause of illness over wellness in his health conditions where being homeless is true to word a sentence equal to DEATH.  This is not a causal statement made here.  It is the absolute truth.  You really aught to rethink yourself upon the sitation at hand and accept his stated honest truths to which you rejected and move to a better way living under a roof for him and for you in true family friendship peace building methods.  This is what is offered here in this email to you today.

Compelling research findings demonstrate the significance
of housing as an intervention to address public and
individual health priorities, including disease prevention,
health care access and effectiveness, and cost
containment. This is especially true of HIV and related
conditions. Models of care that include housing status
as a key component offer great power, enabling new
and more effective approaches to HIV prevention and
treatment (The National AIDS Housing Coalition 2005)

Mr Joshua Lucky Riddle, Shame Shame Shame on you for not knowing these resources and making them a part of what you actually think and care about in today's world of everything you behold upon our community.

Was really this entire Facebook dialogue here a WASTE for WANT NOT?


Well, this I state a promise to you. If you do not return honorable ways of your intentions to your roommate / tenant within 10 days from the date of this email, I will take this email and place it to your folder.  In history of all things considered, your folder named here actually has now be reestablished once again based upon your previous behavior upon another member of community in the Denver Metro Area,[WebDomains]/

Please also consider this, the matching complimentary folder has also been re-established accordingly:[WebDomains]/

You may want to consider forwarding this email to Mr Rick Riddle's care for he also is an address upon this relationships contention and conflicts you hold with your roommate / sub-tenant. 

Good Day Oh Kind Sir Joshua Luckey Riddle. 

If you have any questions or concerns about what is written here, you may direct your questions to the email address:

[ ]

If need be, he can ask me for any interfacing negotions assistance, if he requires it.   

Here are two MP3 Spoken Audio Files that describes the use of the Adinkra Symbol set from African origin:

[SND] CHARISMA MAIL - The Use of Adinkra Symbols To Communicate - Part 1 > 
11-Dec-2015 10:26 776K
[SND] CHARISMA MAIL - The Use of Adinkra Symbols To Communicate - Part 2 >
11-Dec-2015 10:26 468K

Joshua Luckey

  • Conversation started November 12, 2014
  • Joshua Luckey
    11/12, 1:25pm

  • Wednesday
  • Joshua Luckey
    12/9, 3:09pm
    Joshua Luckey

    Wassup boo, I understand that we are family and friends. With that being said,I can no longer sit by and try to decide who to be more loyal to.Rick is deeply concerned about being taken advantage of.he lives the fact that I have a girlfriend like you and that I have someone I can identify with.but we really need to come to a better understanding of if you are going to be paying us in order to stay here,I don't know what your job situation is and Rick says every time he brings it up with you,you get really mean and defensive.i would rather not be forced to choose between you and Rick.i respect both of your feelings in this matter,but something has to be done.Maybe we need to have a family meeting and discuss this openly,I'm caught between a rock and a hard judgements,no animosity, no condescension on my part.i just hope we can work it all out so that everybody involved can get along enough for everybody to remain civil to each other


: If you use the replyto: here to return a message to the domain, you will be replying to an ideal and not to any individual person.  Expect no human reply but that does not mean you can't choose your words, ideals, thoughts, and fun to make your responses here known to be become done. It might get a human attention and draw upon a reply in your favor.  ✌
Suggested here is for you to fully read above the entire content then engage what you know to be the sources within.  That is the best advice onto you for now.
❝Thank you Oh So Kindly❞ : @GRUWUP 2012 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

: If you use the replyto: here to return a message to the domain, you will be replying to an ideal and not to any individual person.  Expect no human reply but that does not mean you can't choose your words, ideals, thoughts, and fun to make your responses here known to be become done. It might get a human attention and draw upon a reply in your favor.  ✌
Suggested here is for you to fully read above the entire content then engage what you know to be the sources within.  That is the best advice onto you for now.
❝Thank you Oh So Kindly❞ : @GRUWUP 2012 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace